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Job Status

AAQiT Job Submitted
Annotation by DFAST Completed
Annotation by NCBI BLAST Completed
Annotation with Aureowiki/Uniprot Completed
AAQiT Job Completed

Your Job Finished. Please Download Files From DFAST

Job Information

AAQiT Job ID 961618-2d98cc-990803-d96abf-b93d49d7
DFAST Job ID 7fa58b39-d3be-4a56-93d0-942f280328e7
Organism (Input) Staphylococcus aureus
NCBI Taxonomy ID (If found) 1280 ( staphylococcus aureus[All Names] )
AAQiT submitted at: 2022-12-22 13:30:22 (JST)
DFAST completed at: 2022-12-22 13:32:22 (JST)
NCBI BLAST completed at: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 (JST)
Aureowiki/Uniprot completed at: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 (JST)
AAQiT completed at: 2023-02-25 23:28:25 (JST)

Annotation Quality Improvement

With DFAST only With AAQiT
Products 83.92 % Annotated 0.00 % Annotated
( 2275 / 2711 ) ( 0 / 2711 )
Genes 32.64 % Annotated 0.00 % Annotated
( 885 / 2711 ) ( 0 / 2711 )